
Leslie Austin

Leslie Austin is a native of New Jersey and began her painting parallel to her teaching career.  As a Teacher of the Deaf both in the Early Childhood Program at the New Jersey School for the Deaf and The Phoenix Day School for the Deaf, she enjoyed working with many wonderful families encompassing forty-four years of service.  

Her supportive family shared the love of the Jersey Shore which yielded many beach and ocean paintings displayed in local shows and galleries. Her family moved to Arizona in 1996 and the desert and mountains became the new focus in her art.  

Gourd carving, wood working with driftwood, as well as dried flower and driftwood sculptures, were priority.   After partial retirement she returned to painting, She began her transition from teacher to full time artist.  She honed her skills in watercolor, drawing, pastels, pencils, and oils. 

She is an active member of the Scottsdale Artist League (SAL) and the Sonoran Arts League. She is a juried member of the AZ Art Alliance. She have been in a variety of shows including the Desert Botanical Gardens, Scottsdale Artist School, Best and Brightest,  Herberger,  FLW’s Taliesin Show, and Shemer Art Center.  Her painting, “Into the McDowells”, was chosen by the Shemer Art Center to promote their show, “Arizona: From the Outside “. “Glowing Egret” advertised the Holland Gallery Show. She was also featured in the Cox Media Gallery and was chosen by Herberger to advertise their Spring Show in 2019. Leslie was selected as Guest Curator for the Art Tracks Show at Herberger in 2021 and had a One Woman Exhibit at Herberger in March of 2022. She donated 120 unframed paintings to benefit the Herberger Youth Art Programs.  

She appreciates her supportive husband, Bob, and teachers Eddie Lopez and David Flitner. Her ultimate goal is to share her paintings which reveal how she loves and enjoys the treasures around her.